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Why Choose H&S First?

We take First aid seriously. 


H&S First Ltd was created by passionate individuals who have worked in medical and First Aid settings for many years. 


If a first aid incident happens at work we expect there to be facilities, equipment and people in place to manage the incident. It is a legal responsibility for all employers to ensure this. 


Through our research we have found that over 90% of businesses are currently not compliant with current legislation.


We have created an affordable compliance solution available for all businesses. We believe our packages provide a solution to all of the usual non-compliance issues through our Assess, Report, Support systems.


Our packages save the business owner valuable staff time, provide peace of mind for employees and demonstrate that an employer is aware of, and pro-active in maintaining their responsibility for compliance. 


Our systems manage more than you might think:



1. You risk assess your business using our simple questionnaire.
Our questionnaire is designed to provide a detailed understanding of your business operations.

2. We provide a risk report
Based on your risk assessment we provide a risk report and a suggestion of what you are required to provide based on current guidelines. 

3. We provide the appropriate equipment. Our kits might look like a standard off the shelf kit but they do quite a bit more:
QR Code with quick access to nearest defibrillator
Unique box code to provide zone by zone company analysis of incidents. 
QR code for direct access to reporting forms

All our kits are British Standard BS 8599-1:2019 compliant

4. You report all incidents using our secure forms 
All forms are available whenever you need them as part of our company report request systems.
We have strict systems in place due to the potentially sensitive nature of reports. 

5. We provide reporting on demand for your entire business. 
We will always send any accident reports for your business to your relevant designated person(s)

We automatically provide an annual report of all reported first aid activity within your company. This includes accident reports, summary of equipment usage and incident trend analysis. 

6. We automatically replace all equipment used. 
As soon as you report an incident where equipment was used we start the process to replace it. This ensures your kits are always complete. 
(**subject to our fair use policy. We will automatically replace equipment up to 75% of the value of your package)

7. We regularly remind you to check your kits
We send actionable e-mails to your registered staff members. These reminders include requests for information about the First Aid Boxes, current trained staff and any incidents that may have not been reported. 
Your designated person(s) need to respond to these forms to maintain compliance status

8. We manage your first aid trained staff certification. 
You provide details of your staff who hold First Aid qualifications.
We confirm whether the numbers of first aid staff are appropriate for your business operations. 
We provide reminders of when your staff certification is due to expire. 

9. We remind you when staff need training/refreshers
Our databases send a reminder that staff certification may expire soon. We can suggest local training providers. 

10. We replace all of your equipment before its use by date
Your entire kit will be replaced every 2 years. 
We will provide a paid for envelope to send unused equipment back to us.
This equipment will be recycled for use by either charities providing front line first aid care or training organisations. 
Supplying brand new kits every two years ensures you remain compliant with current legislation and guidance. 

11. We inform you of changes to legislation/guidelines
We are constantly researching current guidance and legislation to ensure we provide you with the most appropriate equipment. 

​12. We provide certification confirming compliance with our systems
We will provide a certificate of compliance with your first kit. Assuming your designated person(s) have responded to all requests for information and reminders we will update your certification annually. 


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